Saturday, October 14, 2006

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty

Like most other 3-year olds, Katie is unselfconscious about looks. She'll dress up in her favorite princess outfit, and when we ask her if she feels pretty, she'll say "yes". (Of course, we tell her that God wants her to be pretty on the inside too.)

Sadly, t won't be long, I'm sure, before she loses her innocence about looks. Our culture is obsessed with looks. Dove (yup, the soap compnay) is running an interesting countercultural campaign called the Dove Self Esteem Fund to encourage girls to maintain a 3-year old's innocence around looking good and feeling pretty. (How long before we need a similar campaign for boys too?)

As part of a campaign, the Dove folks filmed a behind-the-scene movie showing how a typical print ad featuring a female model is made (well, in this case, it's actually a billboard). It's illuminating to say the least -- especially the Photoshop editing which follows the "let's make up our model's face and hair" segment. Check it out. And remind your daughters (and sons) that they are beautiful both inside and out because God made them in His image.

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