Saturday, September 30, 2006

First grade

It still seems surreal that we have a first grader in the house. Colin's acclimated well to his first month of first grade. First grade lasts the whole day instead of a half day and features homework assignments. Despite these facts, Colin's declared first grade to be easier than kindergarten.

Thankfully, teachers say that he's a joy in class, though very serious. I wonder who he gets that from? :-) Posted by Picasa

The Good Fairy

Katie recently went to cousin Liann's birthday party, where a Good Fairy showed up. She made balloon toys, told stories, and painted faces -- overall, a great hit with the kids. Good thing, too, as this company has been known to send Not-So-Good and Grumpy Fairies to kids' parties. :-) Posted by Picasa

Skateboarding cake topper

Colin attended his classmate's seventh birthday party at a roller skating rink in Redwood City. Though Colin didn't much like the actual roller skating, he did of course enjoy the cake. How many more years until he tries to do what the cake topper is doing? Eeeeek. Posted by Picasa

Eating my own popsicle

Folks like to keep track of baby's milestones: crawling, walking, talking, etc. While we track those milestones, we also track food-related milestones. Here you see a proud moment for us -- Cameron's first solo popsicle. Posted by Picasa

Definitely committed to the remodel

No, this isn't us, though we're inch-by-inch gearing up for our own (much less dramatic) kitchen remodel. This is a coworker's friend who's completely redoing their own house. Step 1 was to demolish the old house. You could say they are definitely committed to remodeling now. Posted by Picasa