Sunday, June 12, 2005

California sunshine!

Today was a beautiful California spring day, with temperatures in the mid eighties. We brought the kids to my parents’ community swimming pool where they enjoyed a typical afternoon of playing with water: that is to say, Katie jumped into the pool like a maniac while Colin splashed around the edge of the pool, dangled his feet into the water, but otherwise refused to have anything to do with the pool.

By the way, I'm dictating these words using Microsoft's speech recognition technology into Firefox. Speech recognition has come long way in the last four years, though I'm not convinced it's a productivity enhancer in this point. But for the old cognitive scientist in me, it's a lot of fun to see working technology that more than one of my professors declared to be flat out impossible not so long ago. For more details, see the post titled Microsoft speech recognition on my gadget reviews blog.

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