We've been visiting the park outside Colin's school as a family for years now. Colin's sporadically attempted to cross the monkey bars, but with no success. That is, until he started kindergarten and watched his classmates do it. Now, he swings from rung to rung, getting all the way across almost every time.
Sure, he's gotten stronger and more coordinated over the last months, but we see in this an object lesson in mind over matter. Just as Roger Bannister taught the world that you could indeed run a four minute mile, Colin's classmates have taught him he could be a monkey boy too. (Before Roger Bannister, no one had ever run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Within 3 years of Roger demonstrating that it could be done, 16 other runners had done it too.)
These seems to me the perfect analogy for how God can change people's thinking -- from the impossible to the possible.

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