Monday, May 12, 2008

Korea adventure

We're just back from our week-long trip to Korea where I did a little work (in the tallest HP building I've ever been in -- a skyscraper which houses over 1,000 people!), Fedora and kids had a great time sightseeing, and we all enjoyed attending Tim and Sumin's wedding. Lots of pictures to share, so visit our Smugmug gallery to see them.

I'll publish separate albums for the wedding and the delicious food (though the kids probably enjoyed it less than me, as much of it was mmm mmm spicy).

1 comment:

Corduroy Slacks said...

Hi, I really enjoyed your pictures of Korea. It was interesting seeing Korea in the eyes of another American. You sure didn't leave one stone unturned! Your kids are sooo charming and a lot of fun.