Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First jazz concert

I'd always wanted to go to Yoshi's, and we delighted to find out that they offered matinee concerts with family-friendly pricing (the kids' tickets were something like $5!) -- and were hosting Jane Monheit, one of my favorite jazz singers.

    The venue was fabulous -- very intimate, great acoustics, easy parking, decent food served discretely before and during the concert. It was also a beautiful day in Oakland, and Jack London Square was hosting a farmer's market. (We've been trying to buy most of our fruits and vegetables from our local farmer's market.)

    The kids had a great time especially since they have been going through a big Yoshi phase (he's one of the characters in the Mario universe of Nintendo games), though I'm sure they wished the concert was just a few minutes shorter (it only ran for an hour and 15 minutes or so as it was). On the flip side, this was the first meal where we had sushi and french fries (the latter were especially well done -- a crispy mix of Russet and sweet potatoes).

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