Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sustainable sushi

It's hard to imagine a world without sushi -- how crushing would that be? But a combination of the growing global appetite for sushi and unsustainable fishing practices are putting certain species of fish at big risk.

What to do, what do do? Given that swearing off sushi forever would make life not worth living (well, ok, that's an exaggeration -- but only a tiny one), the next best thing is to order sushi that is either sustainable caught or sustainably farmed (some fish farming techniques may actually hurt more than help).

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has published an online guide to sustainably harvested fish on their Seafood Watch Website (you can learn more about all kinds of seafood, not just the raw variety). If you want something to bring to your next sushi eating expediation, you can also order a handy printed pocket guide.

(Dave Hewlett of HP fame had a big hand in getting the Monterey Bay Aquarium going, so I have to give a shout out to my current employer.)

So study up before you hit the next sushi bar. Besides, you need something to take your mind off the financial crisis. :-)

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