Thursday, September 01, 2005

First day of school

This morning was Colin’s first full day of kindergarten. (There was a trial hour yesterday, so that didn't really count.) We walked to school together this morning. He seemed quite anxious to get there, so between his jogging and my brisk pace, we got there in just about 10 minutes.

I was a little nervous that Colin would have separation anxiety (flashing back to a few difficult episodes with Sunday school). But I was needlessly worried, as he barely remembered to give me a hug and a kiss before dashing through the door when it opened—without so much as a backwards glance. He must have been one of the first kids into the classroom (perhaps he inherited Fedora’s genes for punctuality?).

Sniff. My little boy is growing up.

It was fun walking to school with a few neighbors. There was even a crossing guard at the intersection. Despite the overcast skies, the mood was festive as moms, dad, grandparents, nannies, and the students marched towards the beginning of a new school year.

As is typical (he was this way with preschool too), the boy couldn’t tell me what happened at school. But when my dad asked if he enjoyed school, he said yes. Looks like all he faithfully absorbed all those books we read to him about how fun school is!

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