Colin and I have been enjoying a very creative computer game called Lego Stars II by LucasArts. I would love to be artistic enough to work there (or at Pixar), but since I am woefully deficient in that department, I'll have to settle for playing the great games they produce.
The game traces the same story line as the original three films (aka "the good ones") and allow you to play as Lego versions of all the movie characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and so on. The characters solve puzzles, blast bad guys, and amass studs (Lego currency, naturally).
One of the features I like about the game is that it requires collaboration: there are things that the characters need to do together (i.e., simultaneously or relying on unique abilities in their partner) to advance.
Like Sesame Street, it also features enough tongue-in-cheek humor that both adults and kids can enjoy the game together. For example, Darth Vader waves and grins at the escaping Millennium Falcon as it flees the Death Star, and one of the ways Chewbacca can attack the enemy is by literally dismembering their Lego arms (that sounds more violent than it is on screen).
At any rate, Colin loves the game, the other two children love watching. It's so good I bought another game pad controller so we could each have one because trying to control things from the keyboard was getting in the way. Highly recommended!