Sunday, August 10, 2008

Speaking of flirting with other technologies...

...I've been doing some spelunking in the open source world of Linux. Mostly Ubuntu. More on my discoveries later. I've converted my old laptop into a dual boot, and wiped an even older laptop my mom uses sometime into an Ubuntu-only machine (it was getting too old to really run Windows XP).

My observations to date: the open source community is astounding in its productivity, and if they could spend less time implementing the same feature over and over again and more time focusing on Apple-quality design and simplicity, the vast majority of users shouldn't really have to upgrade to whatever slow, bloated, internally inconsistent OS Microsoft ships next.

Ubuntu really does seem a major release or two (ok, maybe 3) away from being consumable by most people who are sick of forking over $150 to Microsoft every 2 years for not all that much to show for it. And with so much happening on the Web these days, who cares about what your desktop is doing? Imagine a world in which iPhoto and iTunes were in the cloud -- do we really need another forklift upgrade of desktop OSes which breaks all your applications?

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