Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weclome to our new look

Welcome to the new look. Leave a comment to let us know whether to stick with this one or go back to the old one. Or, for a more radical look, check our our flirtation with Wordpress. Ooooo, dark!

In addition to the new Blogger template, I added a few new items on the right side, including a list of all tags, a blogroll (list of blogs, for people who speak English and not Web-hipster-speak), and links to our outposts on LinkedIn and Facebook and a few other places.

After you visit the Wordpress page, vote for your favorite look (more than 1 vote is ok) on the top right.

(Yes, we are still flirting with moving our digital domicile to Wordpress. But after stumbling across the beta of Blogger, I'm not feeling the urgency. Still, Wordpress does do some pretty templates. How would this be for a tech marriage made in heaven: Google's innovative Web technologies married with Apple's design savvy? I mean, I love Blogger and Google Mail and Google Docs and Google Calendar and Google Reader -- but they sure are dowdy compared to to Apple Web properties.)

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