Yes I've been blogging less

- Yes, I've been blogging less.
- Yes, I blame it on Facebook and Twitter.
- Yes, I really shouldn't be constraining myself just to the sentence-sized micro-thoughts I can share there.
- No, I don't see it getting much better: it's too easy doing it the other way.
- Yes, the Web browser needs to make it easier to upload pictures.
- Yes, even finding pictures to upload on a Mac using the built in pictures browser is too much of a pain.
- No, Picasa for the Mac doesn't solve this problem because it has difficulty keeping itself synced up to the iPhoto photo database.
- No, Windows 7 doesn't solve this problem either.
- Yes, what we need is a way to right-click upload files to whatever social network/blogging platform you want. Kind of like Pixelpost but built into the file system. And not just for pictures.
- No, I can't think of a way to turn that into sustainable revenue. Otherwise, I'd start it.
- No, I don't know if someone is already doing it. But tell me if they are.
I'll be officially concerned when you start teaching/speaking in "tweets"
Oh my goodness, I totally relate to this... I'm definitely not blogging as much now that I'm actively on FB.
- A loyal F&F reader
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