Cameron seems to enjoy looking at people. Here he is giving daddy the big stare down. He's also seemed to grin a few times, though it's probably just a reflex of some sort. Overall, he's growing well -- he's sprouted a double chin and his limbs are filling out. On the sleep front, he demands snacks twice a night, mostly on a predictable schedule (12 am and 3 am).
He's a little more alert during the days now, so he's outgrown his "sleep all the time" phase. But rhythmic motion will usually push him over the edge into sleep.
Parents often ask me how the transition from 2 to 3 is. Lots of folks seem to think the transition from 2 to 3 kids is the hardest of all because you have switch from playing man-to-man to playing zone defense. While this is definitely true, on the whole, I still found the transition from 0 to 1 the biggest adjustment.
Ask me again in a few months when Cameron can move around on his own, and I'll probably be singing a different tune. But for now, we're very thankful for our new little guy. :-)

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