Here's Katie celebrating, I think, at Leann's 4th birthday party a few weeks ago. It was at the Little Gym right between Belmont and San Mateo. Katie had a fabulous time.

This is Frank and Fedora's blog. Think of it as a continually updated Christmas letter. Feel free to leave comments!
Dear Church Family:
Many of you have been moved with the horrific tragedy of the hurricane. Many of you have been wondering how you can contribute to organizations that are bringing direct aid to those affected. We will be taking a love offering on Sunday that will go to the victims of the hurricane. In this email, I have enclosed a notice from Les Lofquist, Exec. Director of the IFCA. The IFCA will be raising money to help an IFCA conference center in Louisiana that is housing over 200 evacuees from New Orleans. There will be more coming and the need for food, water and supplies to sustain them is vital. I am recommending we can help this ministry which also has pastors there encouraging the victims at this time.
I have also listed other Christian organizations following Les' notice recommended by Back to the Bible (thanks Karen). KFAX also has a recommendation following that. Of course, Red Cross and other reputable agencies can use donations too.
Pray for the victims. We know of people who have lost everything. This Sunday we will address the aspect of suffering.
In Him,
In these past days we have all witnessed the devastation left behind as Hurricane Katrina ripped through the Gulf Coast states. The images from the news reports have been heart-breaking.
Numbers of our pastors have inquired with us here in the IFCA International Home Office and asked how they can help. I have discussed the situation with Jerry Smith, President of the Board of IFCA International. Jerry's first pastorate was in Reeves, Louisiana and he retains many friendships with the pastors and churches in the areas hit hardest by Katrina. Jerry's advice has been most helpful to those of us on the IFCA Benevolence Committee.
We have established the IFCA Hurricane Relief Fund and are requesting that our churches give generously to help our brothers and sisters in Louisiana. We encourage you to take up a love offering as soon as possible and send your gifts to IFCA International (P.O. Box 810, Grandville, MI 49468). We in turn will send the offerings to IFCA member organization Bible Conferences and Missions of Reeves, LA. This organization is involved in church planting and leadership training all throughout Louisiana and the Gulf region of Texas. They also operate a Camp and Conference Center (Camp Pearl) where they currently house quite a number of displaced families from Katrina. Their Director is Don Barrett and he reports that the camp is providing housing for over 200 evacuees from New Orleans and they expect that number to continue to rise in the next couple of days.
The IFCA Benevolence Committee will ultimately oversee all the money received for the Hurricane Relief Fund. Our brothers with Bible Conferences and Missions will provide the local oversight for the way the funds are used. They are currently investigating all the IFCA churches in their region in order to assess the needs and how to best meet those needs.
This tragic event is still unfolding. We do not know everything at this time. But we do know that our brothers and sisters in the Gulf States need our help, and we know that an IFCA member organization is doing everything possible to provide immediate relief. We also know they will begin to make plans for longer-range efforts, with IFCA President of the Board Jerry Smith providing helpful counsel and the IFCA Benevolence Committee providing necessary oversight. But first they need immediate help.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in the Gulf States and give generously as soon as possible!
In Christ,
Les Lofquist
IFCA International Executive Director
Back to the Bible ministry that received funds after Tsunami, is not equipped to help directly in this disaster but recommends the following Christian organizations:
Christian Aid Ministries -- www.christianaid.org
Food for the Hungry -- www.fh.org
International Aid -- www.internationalaid.org
Operation Blessing -- www.ob.org
Salvation Army -- www.salvationarmy.org
Samaritan’s Purse -- www.samaritanspurse.org
Water Missions International -- www.watermissions.org
KFAX radio is also encouraging funds through Feed the Children -- www.feedthechildren.org