Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ruby reds

Wow, they weren't kidding when they named these ruby red grapefruits. Here's Cameron reaching for some delicious grapefruit (from which mommy carefully peeled the bitter outer skin).

And here is Colin's reach:

Do you like one of these images more than the other? Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

The Nikon does not like my compact florescent lights. The auto white balance setting doesn't look right, and neither do any of the preset color balance settings: it's not quite tungsten, and it's definitely not fluorescent. So I'll have to figure out how to compensate properly (don't know how to use that feature of the camera yet).

Also, I shot these pics with my dad's old, old Nikon 50mm lens which doesn't autofocus or meter with my camera. Nikon calls these non-CPU lenses since they don't have embedded smarts to work with the camera's electronics. So I'm going old school playing with various metering settings until I get a half decently exposed shot.

But the lens does open wide, which creates the arty blurry backgrounds. I also learned that photographers have a fancy word for this blurry background: bokeh. Sounds like some Greek dessert, though I believe it's actually from a Japanese term.

(Yes, I'm just playing with my new toy now. This is what vacations are for!)  :-)

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