Friday, January 13, 2006

Dribble time (Colin's first basketball practice)

Given our athletic, um -- what's the opposite of prowess? -- Fedora and I never held out any great hopes that our kids would pay their way through college with athletic scholarships. But who knows? Maybe one or two or all three of them will escape their genetic destiny and be world-class swimmers or basketball players or golfers or something cool like that. At least there's no pressure to be the first Chinese kid in the NBA anymore, now that Yao Ming is here.

Anyway, here's the first step in our long journey to figure out whether we can safely squander the kids' college money on a round-the-world cruise. This is Colin at his very first basketball practice. Fedora was quite pleased to report that he quite enjoyed it, declaring, "I wish I had basketball practice every day!

I think they're learning how to dribble. :-)

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