Saturday, January 21, 2006

Who's linked to this blog?

I was listening to KQED's Forum the other day (when I grow up, I want to be like Michael Krasny), and the topic du jour was political blogging. His guests were folks who blog for reals: they've built blogs with hundreds of thousands visitors a month. When people talk about the blogosphere, they have those big blogs in mind -- not these little family affairs with a few dozen readers (if that!).

But anyway, one of the panelists mentioned the blog search site Technorati, which -- surprisingly -- I had never visited. It's one of the most popular sites in the blogosphere, and it makes searching through blogs a snap.

While I was there, I stumbled across a useful tool that will lets you "claim your blog" and see who's linked to it. For the most part, there were no surprises. But I did discover one unanticipated blogger who randomly linked to our blog in September 2005. Kinda cool.

Anyway, go claim your blog and see if anyone unexpected has linked to yours. :-)

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