Ah, we've missed the naptimes where baby flings both his hands above his head, as if trying to signal a touchdown. Here's Cameron halfway to that pose.
We've observed many similarities between all three kids (e.g., sleeplessness, not fitting into any baby clothes, constant pooping). But many differences too. Here are a handful:
- The delivery room has a computer in it now. The nurses used it to periodically feed information (e.g., blood pressure, answers to exam questions such as "have you ever used drugs?"). I noticed it had Internet Explorer on it, but I didn't try surfing. Not sure having Windows in the delivery room is a good idea, but there it is. :-)
- Shrieking, much shrieking. Maybe we've just blocked Colin and Katie's screams from our memories, but we don't think so. At any rate, Cameron is a shrieker! Maybe this is just the youngest child's way of making sure he gets the attention he's due.
- 100% drug-free delivery. Fedora had no drugs this time. With the first two, at least she got the mercy dose of fentanyl. But this time, labor progressed so quickly, she didn't even get a chance do that. Eeek. Of course, this gets her a host of priveleges, including the deciding vote in the baby's name.
- Faster recovery time. Fedora seemed to recover the quickest with baby #3. She was up and about an hour after delivery. At home, she's resumed her normal routine pretty much as she had it before the baby. Probably with more vigor because she's not carrying the baby around inside anymore.

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